Breastfeeding Help Can Make a Big Difference


Many new mothers are surprised to discover that breastfeeding their baby is a learned experience, with baby and mom teaching each other. Breastfeeding is natural. It is also a learned art that takes time and patience.  Often, parents find themselves looking for additional support with breastfeeding and parenting, especially if there are not knowledgeable support systems nearby. We provide breastfeeding support through one on one lactation consultations, breastfeeding and parent groups, workshops and prenatal breastfeeding classes, as well as helpful, trained staff to guide you as you learn to breastfeed. Our classes and groups are designed to support you and educate you about the benefits of breastfeeding. Our goal is to give families the tools they need to be successfully begin nursing their newborn and foster a healthy long term breastfeeding relationship.







For mothers who want breastfeeding support and assessment, we provide one-to-one counseling and follow up. Consultation can be provided in the convenience and privacy of your own home or in our offices and includes a 90-120 minute visit and follow-up phone calls. While most women can benefit from some “fine tuning” during their early breastfeeding experience, certain situations can be resolved much more quickly and easily the sooner they are addressed. Our highly skilled International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLC)* provide the expert help you need to make nursing a positive experience for you and your new baby.

If you are experiencing any of the sitautions listed below, please consider calling as soon as possible, rather than waiting to see if the situation will resolve itself. 

  • A baby who is not latching on within the first 24 hours (please do not use a nipple shield to get a baby to latch before the milk has come in!)
  • A baby for whom supplementation of any kind is recommended.
  • A baby who is not passing meconium, or ceases to stool after the meconium is passed.
  • A baby who is not gaining weight once it appears mature milk has come in.
  • A baby who is losing weight rapidly.
  • Nipples are sore, cracked, bleeding, blistered, scabbed, or painful in any way. Breastfeeding should not be painful and it is not possible to tell if a latch is correct just by looking – if nipples are damaged something is wrong and should be addressed as soon as possible.
  • A baby who resists latching, or is fussy, agitated, or seems uncomfortable at the breast.
  • A baby who is nursing “all the time” and never seems satisfied or contented, even if weight gain is adequate.
  • A premature or near term (36-38 weeks) infant, or an infant in the NICU for any reason.
  • A baby born by cesarean section.
  • A baby with any unusual chromosomal, anatomical or genetic defect – especially midline defects: cleft lip, cleft palate, ankyloglossia, hypospadius, esophageal atresia/tracheoesophageal fistula, imperforate anus, downs syndrome, conotruncal heart defects and diaphragmatic hernia.
  • A mother or baby with any illness or condition.

*An International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) is a health care professional who specializes in the clinical management of breastfeeding. IBCLCs are certified by the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners, Inc. ( under the direction of the U.S. National Commission for Certifying Agencies. IBCLCs work in a wide variety of health-care settings, including hospitals, pediatric offices, public health clinics and private-practice offices.

Finances should not be a barrier to receiving support. We are committed to seeing low income families on a sliding scale basis. Reach out.